Coronavirus and phones, how to make sure that your smartphone is clean.
In these trying times, personal hygiene is of particular importance, especially hygiene of hands. Unfortunately for us, our smartphones are some of the greatest nests of bacteria; a long-unwashed smartphone can easily house more of them than a toilet seat. Therefore, it is very important to keep your phone clean and disinfected, so that you can minimize the danger of spreading coronavirus by touching it.
Making sure that your phone is clean is not difficult. All you need to get is a microfiber towel, the same kind you use to clean glasses. A delicate disinfectant handkerchief will also do the trick. With such a towel in hand you carefully clean your phone, making sure to reach every nook and cranny. It may also be worthwhile to gently spray the device with a liquid disinfectant, e.g. a 70%-strong alcohol. Of course, we do not just open a bottle of vodka and pour it over the phone; instead, we take a sprinkler, set it so that the drops shot are smallest possible, and carefully sprinkle the liquid over the device before wiping it clean. IF, and only IF your phone is waterproof, you can even clean it in warm water.
That is all, folks. Stay healthy out there.